IndustriesAutomotiveThe automotive industry has seen radical changes over the past few years. Changes that have made response time, quality of service and cost control mandatory aspects of running a successful business. EMANIO brings powerful tools to help automotive organizations achieve these goals. From our Context! business intelligence platform to our Trading Partner Integrator 360 "Intelligent", integrated EDI solution, EMANIO helps automotive companies around the world meet the challenge of a 21st century economic model. ManufacturingAchieving and maintaining profitability as a manufacturing business can prove exceedingly difficult. In order to maximize your profitability as well as your opportunity for growth you have to become a master of information. Whether it's leveraging our TPI 360 integrated EDI platform to understand how your trading partners are impacting your business, or using the power of Context! for dashboarding and reporting, manufacturing operations around the world finally have the tools they need to ensure they remain flexible, nimble and ultimately as profitable as possible. Public SectorEach month in the public sector brings with it new realities of budget shortfalls, painful cost cuts and possible reductions in services. The new economic models of public institutions is one that will reward the thrifty and conscious while penalizing those who cling to outdated and costly business models. Leveraging your data to make more informed decisions is at the heart of becoming a more responsive, more flexible public entity. Powering that new reality are tools like our Context! dashboarding platform and our Insight! data mining application. Designed to be affordable, easy to deploy and easy to manage, they bring the power your public entity needs while eliminating the outdated multi-million dollar cost models that were once the norm. RetailProfitability for a retail business is always a matter of microscopic details. The difference between profitability and loss can often be attributed to single events, one poor product placement, one incorrect shipment from a vendor. With profit margins as thin as they are, having your finger on the pulse of your supply chain as well as of your business are critical aspects of managing a retail establishment. Helping that process are tools like TPI 360, Trading Partner, Context! and Insight! Regardless of the size of your retail establishment, trading quickly and accurately with your supply chain while getting a handle on what drives your business are critical aspects of maintaining profitability and ultimately success. HealthcareThe coming years are bringing wholesale changes to the way healthcare is used, purchased and managed throughout the country. Regardless of which plan you choose to subscribe to, the simple truth is that healthcare organizations will need to learn to do more with less. From exchanging information with suppliers to analyzing records to better understand the key drivers that impact revenue and profitability, tools like EMANIO's TPI 360 Integrated EDI platform, Context! dashboarding and Insight! data mining software are critical tools in the fight to understand your world and leverage your key competitive position for ultimate success. LogisticsThe life of the logistics company is one of a tug-of-war. The ultimate success and failure of your business relies on maintaining the careful balance between vendors and customers, between shippers and receivers. Achieving that balance requires expedient transaction processing and a thorough understanding of what drives your business. With tools like TPI 360 integrated EDI and our Context! dashboarding and reporting platform you finally have what you need to maintain that careful balance at a speed and accuracy that will take you to the next level. |