Why EmanioEASY TO USE AND INSTALLEMANIO's software is always designed to be as easy to install and use as possible. Most of our products can be up and running in as little as fifteen minutes. ALL THE FEATURES YOU NEEDOther vendors may force you to upgrade to more expensive solutions to get the features you need. Our software provides you with all the automation and ease of use features you want, without having to buy server or workgroup packages you may not need KIT-BASED ADDED SUPPORTEMANIO's EDI software makes it easy to add support for new trading partners through our kit-based approach which lets you add new trading partners with a simple click of the mouse. EASY INTEGRATIONEMANIO is an expert at EDI integration. That's why we have taken the complexity out of it for you. Our "Zero Effort" initiative is striving to make EDI integration as close to a "zero effort" process as possible. RELIABLE, ROBUST & PROVEN PRODUCTSEMANIO products have a reputation as robust, easy to use products that simply work. Our data integration package has been operational at all our customer sites with no unscheduled down-time for over four years. Our TradingPartnerâ„¢ software is a proven, reliable package that takes the complexity out of EDI. SCALABLE SOLUTIONS THAT GROW WITH YOUUnlike many EDI companies EMANIO does not force you to buy a more expensive package just to get to the features you need. Our products are designed to provide you with all the automation and ease of use features you need at reasonable price levels. That means that when it's time to upgrade it will be because your business demands a more robust and capable solution. And with EMANIO your investment is safe; our products let you scale from a single, desktop based EDI solution to a fully integrated, multi-user set up that will take all the pain out of EDI. AFFORDABLE & PREDICTABLEAt EMANIO we make all our products affordable and our policies predictable. Our "no surprises" policy of quoting you all the costs you will incur means none of the nebulous "best and reasonable effort quotes" that you get from other EDI vendors. Our support policies and pricing levels are easy to understand and cover all EMANIO products - so you won't feel nickeled and dimed when you buy our products. WE HELP YOU GET STARTEDMany EMANIO products come with "Getting started" sessions already built in. That means you will be able to get your software installed and up and running quickly and easily. Need more help? Our professional services team has decades of experience in helping companies like yours get up and running with EDI quickly and with as little pain as possible. COME HELP US CHANGE THE WORLDContact us to learn why helping us profits you! EMANIO is in the process of revolutionizing how EDI is integrated with accounting and ERP systems for small businesses. We are looking for Accounting and ERP system experts to help us design the integration packages we need to satisfy our growing demand. |