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Where Instinct
Meets Science

With Insight! predictive analytics
does not have to be reserved for scientists and analysts

Insight! Takes business modeling to new heights:
  • Use historical data to predict future outcome and to model business scenarios
  • 100% point-and-click interface takes the mystery out of data mining
  • Access enterprise databases or Excel spreadsheets, or combine them
  • Affordable price point starts as low as $1995
Don't Plan, Predict | Make more accurate business decisions
Leverage your data to make business decisions like you have never been able to do until today. With Insight! you gain the power of a data mining and predictive analytics software package that was designed with business users in mind.
It's the science that took NASA to the moon. The ability to use data to predict possible outcomes and help you make better decisions. Until today, however, it's been relegated to the halls of science and of big enterprise companies. See how Insight! changes all that.
Manuals Optional | Designed for the business user
Like the rest of our products, Insight! was designed to be as easy to use as possible. Your first project is only a few steps away by using the built-in wizard.
At EMANIO we believe that in order for people to be more productive they need to be unbound from the restrictions of poorly designed software. So we make our products easy to use, without sacrificing the speed and power our users need.
Powerful | Zero to your first model in minutes
Getting started with Insight! is as simple as uploading data from a spreadsheet, answering a few questions. Insight! does the rest. Need more options? No problem - Insight! can handle that too.
nsight! is easy to use. So easy in fact that you will have it up and running in minutes. But don't let the ease of use fool you. Insight! is also very powerful - so powerful, in fact, that it's been used by police departments to analyze the impact of rain on city crime! With that type of power the answers you need are only a few clicks away.
What-if, Built in | Don't just analyze - plan
Insight! doesn't limit itself to data analysis. A built-in data wizard makes it easy to set up the questions you need to ask so that you can move through dozens of what-if scenarios in seconds.
Insight! lets you leverage your own historical data to create business models that can be used to better understand your options. Creating what-if scenarios for marketing models, financial plans, sales expansions and just about any scenario is as easy as having access to the historical data.
Better for Your Budget | Data mining for $1995
$1995 - that's it - no add-ons, no complex price plans, no confusing add-on options that make the price skyrocket. With Insight! you get what you need for one low price - simple.
EMANIO has eliminated complex multi-step pricing models. What you see is what you get. Whether you are a small company or a large enterprise you get all the features you need at prices that are easy to understand and even easier to model.
A Partial list of Insight! features & benefits
  • 100% Point-and-Click | Create reports in minutes with no code
  • Multi-data sources | Combine multiple data sources with just clicks
  • Wizard Control | Begin your first project by simply following a multi-step wizard
  • Fine-tune Parameters| Control rule and decision-tree creation parameters
  • One-click data analysis | Create statistical data analysis with a single click
  • Collapsible Interface | Hide the parts of the software you are not using for maximum focus
  • Automated Visualizations | Automatically generate pie charts and bar graphs
  • Export Control| One-Click export to XLS, XLSX, Text and more
  • Support for unstructured data | Use any text file as a data source
  • Full MS Excel support | Support both XLS and XLSX files
  • Enterprise data support | MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL and more
  • In-Memory | Automatically load data in-memory for rapid analysis
  • Multi-core support | Leverage the power of multiple cores for maximum performance
  • Self-contained data file | Share projects with others by emailing a self-contained XML file
  • Rule Induction | Create rule-based analysis with a wizard or through point-and-click
  • Decision-tree analysis | Build decision trees based on specific parameters