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Data Warehousing Case Study

A data warehousing case study is common in the field of data warehousing and business intelligence. A data warehousing case study is often focused on different moments in the data warehousing process in order to gain a better understanding of that specific part of the project. A data warehousing case study does not need to focus on a single moment of the data warehousing process. A data warehousing case study can and often times be done on the entire process, from start to finish. A data warehousing case study can be extremely useful because it provides real world examples instead of hypothetical ones. The importance of any data warehousing case study is that it may provide current or potential users with problem solving techniques or advice and guidelines to follow.

A data warehousing case study in the fast food industry

The fast food industry may seem to be an unlikely candidate for a data warehousing case study. We often times only remember fast food chains as friendly places that appeal to kids and have funny advertisements. It is not easy to see past Ronald McDonald smile or the big head Jack, but these are multimillion dollar businesses that are constantly in an intense competition with each other for the consumer's dollars. When one considers how fiercely these fast food chains compete with one another it only makes sense that they take advantage of data warehousing technology in order to be better prepared for their competition.

Summerwood Corporation, a data warehousing case study

The Summerwood Corporation operates over 80 fast food chain restaurants around the Philadelphia area. Some of these fast food chain restaurants include Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken. The Summerwood Corporation sought out the advantages of data warehousing was because the competition for fast food restaurants is extremely intense and fierce. Because of this, the Summerwood Corporation decided that a data warehousing system would greatly benefit them. Their experience makes a great data warehousing case study.

A data warehousing case study of the Summerwood Corporation

One small and almost insignificant change in the competitive fast food industry can result in drastic changes, and loss or gain of profits. The Summerwood Corporation sought out the help of Exclusive Ore, which designed and executed the entire data warehouse project for them. The data warehouse that Exclusive Ore set up for them runs on Microsoft's SQL server and the two main data sources for the warehouse are the daily sales and accounting information. The data is refreshed constantly based on a schedule or can be done so whenever one wishes to manually. This type of scenario - a market competitiveness one - is a common one in a data warehousing case study.

Data warehousing case study of how Summerwood used the system

This data warehousing case study involving the Summerwood Corporation and their over 80 fast food chain restaurants not only used a data warehouse provided by Exclusive Ore, but they also found that and olap system was also necessary. The olap system allowed them to view their data in a cube that contained, profit loss, cash flow, and Summerwood statements. Summerwood could also divide all the data by store, company, location, and zone. This features allowed Summerwood to get a better, more organized and structural view of all their businesses.

Application Integration
Call Center Data Integration
Customer Data Integration
Data Integration
Data Integration ERP
Data Integration Tool
Enterprise Application Integration
Enterprise Data Integration
Software Data Integration
SQL Data Transformation
Software Data Integration
SQL Data Transformation
Data Conversion
Data Conversion Outsourcing
Data Conversion Services
Data Conversion Software
Data Synchronization
Data Transformation
Data Mapping
Agile Data Warehousing
Benefits of data warehousing
Data Warehousing Advantages
Data Warehousing Book
Data Warehousing Case Study
Data Warehousing Company
Data Warehousing Design
Data Warehousing Development
Data Warehousing Examples
Data Warehousing for Dummies
Data Migration
Data Warehousing Methodologies
Data Warehousing Projects
Data warehousing systems
Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing Software
Define Data Warehousing
Definition of Data Warehousing
Future of Data Warehousing
IBM Data Warehousing
Insurance Data Warehousing
Introduction to Data Warehousing
Real Time Data Warehousing