Data Warehousing Examples
There are many unique and interesting data warehousing examples. Often times, data warehousing examples are ones that led to success. Other times, however, there are data warehousing examples that failed. There are both real world and hypothetical data warehousing examples that should be studied before beginning a data warehousing project. Why should data warehousing examples be studied? The simple fact that data warehousing examples can provide a list of dos and dont's, which can always be helpful when spending large amounts time and money into the decision support system. This article will touch on a few data warehousing examples.
Data warehousing examples, American Airlines
American Airlines data warehousing examples are a great place to begin our brief glimpse into data warehousing examples. American Airlines data warehousing examples are an overall success story. American Airlines is one of the largest companies in the industry. However they had a huge problem and needed a way to fix it and do so as quickly as possible. American Airlines needed to increase their revenue, they decided the way they were going to achieve their goal was to drastically reduce fraudulent tickets. Data warehousing allowed American Airlines to properly track the tickets they sold, which let them know when a ticket was a fraud simply because it was never tracked as being sold.
Data warehousing examples, Hallmark
This is one of the data warehousing examples that also highlights the use of data warehousing in business. In the mid 1990s Hallmark decided that they would release a new line of greeting cards, titled ìExpressions from Hallmark. Their objective was to increase customers preference in the greeting card market. Basically they wanted to push their name brand so that customers would choose their products over their competitors. Hallmark sought out data warehousing so that they may be able to track their sales and get all the data to the right people so that they may make better decision with the help of the system. The system was a success and so was the new brand.
Data warehousing examples, Sears
Another of the data warehousing examples that involves Sears, the department store, is once again a true success story. In 2002 Sears wanted to increase their storage capacity so that nearly all their data would be located in one central data warehouse. Sears understood that having all their data in one data warehouse would allow anyone who needed to view how many size 34 blue jeans they are selling. Because they can monitor customers buying habits, they have the opportunity to offer the customers certain promotions depending on what they just purchased or purchase constantly.
Data warehousing examples, failures
Not all data warehousing examples are success stories. For all data warehousing examples of success there are probably twice as many data warehousing examples that ended in failure. There are several reasons why a data warehousing project may fail, it can be poor a poor team, lack of planning, unrealistic goals, or just not having the proper resources for the project.