Business objects intelligence
In the world of business intelligence software, business objects intelligence software is among the most frequently requested and purchased. Business objects intelligence software is one of the oldest business intelligence software offerings in the industry and has been widely available for well over ten years. Because of its age, Business objects intelligence brings to organizations a well known, well deployed business intelligence solution but also comes with some significant drawbacks that come with an older solution like that from Business objects intelligence.
Advantages of Business objects intelligence
Business objects intelligence products are more a collection of software offerings rather than a single BI solution. The reason for this is that like many established solutions, business objects intelligence offerings were created over the years through a mixture of in-house development as well as company acquisitions. Because of this growth strategy, business objects intelligence solutions tend to be very well rounded and feature-rich. The breadth of business objects intelligence software products provides a rich pool of alternatives for large organizations that are designed to fit just about any requirement. With a large software family like that from business objects intelligence solutions, however, also come some significant risks.
Disadvantages of Business objects intelligence
Among the key downsides of choosing business objects intelligence products is that of complexity. Because of the same product development strategy that was discussed earlier, business objects intelligence products tend to be very different from each other and are typically tied together through the use of enterprise service bus architectures. What this means to customers of business objects intelligence products is that business objects intelligence solutions are more difficult to deploy, more difficult to maintain and use, and often create difficult long-term maintenance and cost structures in the form of increased support costs and higher end user training costs.
Alternatives to Business objects intelligence
There are a number of alternatives to business objects intelligence products. While many of them are also from enterprise-focused companies like IBM and Oracle, there are a number of smaller new vendors that are providing new alternatives to business objects intelligence software. Some, like EMANIO, focus on providing products that are easier to deploy, easier to manage and easier to use than business objects intelligence equivalent products. These new offerings provide an alternative to business objects intelligence software that can be as easily adopted by large or small organizations. These new business objects intelligence alternatives are forcing IT administrators and business users to re-think how they approach business intelligence.
Deploying Business objects intelligence
When a company thinks of the issues around deployment of business objects intelligence products, the first concern should be around IT resources. The reason for this is that due to their complexity, business objects intelligence products can be quite challenging to install, set up and configure. The second important concerns is around user training. This is due to two key reasons, first, business objects intelligence software can be quite difficult to learn and use; second, business objects intelligence products often present a variety of user interfaces and styles, making user adoption significantly more challenging.