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Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

Cognos 8 business intelligence software one of the first BI solutions available. The shipping version is cognos 8 business intelligence, an assemblage of software now owned by IBM targeted mainly at big organizations. Across the years, cognos 8 business intelligence solutions have grown in features and in popularity as corporate budgets and large IT staffs allowed companies to solve the challenges presented by cognos 8 business intelligence implementations. The shipping release, cognos 8 business intelligence software, is really an merger of a number of different products. Cognos and other providers like IBM use a link to make these products communicate, known as an enterprise bus architecture. In similar fashion to cognos, business objects is one of the other key pioneers of enterprise-business intelligence, and similarly to cognos, business objects likewise use an enterprise service bus architecture to tie multiple software platforms together.

Advantages of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

The advantages of any cognos 8 business intelligence software are usually associated with the functionality and the number of features. Two factors influence this: one is that cognos 8 business intelligence is, as the number implies, in it's 8th iteration of growth - which means cognos has had 8 iterations to bring to market features needed. The other reason, however, is due to acquisitions and the melding of technologies into a single product suite. This strategy of cognos 8 business intelligence to use the ESB as a "connector" is also used by business objects. Exploiting an ESB to "unify" products, however, poses challenges, cognos 8 business intelligence software has become unwieldy and difficult, limiting cognos from marketing cognos 8 business intelligence to divisions inside enterprises and sub-enterprise organizations.

Disadvantages of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

Cognos 8 business intelligence, as well as business objects, present a number of disadvantages. The first being complexity. Cognos 8 business intelligence software is hard to deploy, work with and maintain. Cognos 8 business intelligence has gained a name as a product that is hard to use due to the use of the ESB architecture. With multiple moving parts, desktop deployed software and other technological challenges, cognos 8 business intelligence is having a much harder time being adopted in sub-enterprise deployments. Cognos 8 business intelligence solutions are proving challenging to use and afford in departmental or group deployments marginalizing the cognos 8 business intelligence advantages due to the heavy IT requirements needed by cognos 8 business intelligence products.

Alternatives to Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

There are new alternatives to cognos 8 business intelligence software, particularly relating to software for sub-enterprise or departments and divisions inside an enterprise. Companies akin to EMANIO furnish software solutions similar to cognos 8 business intelligence giving the benefits of BI software but eliminating the drawbacks connected to cognos 8 business intelligence. Unlike cognos 8 business intelligence, these companies furnish solutions that are centralized and can be installed in short timelines - bypassing the baffling ESB approach. Eventually cognos 8 business intelligence alternatives are going to make substantial inroads in areas wherever cognos and business objects traditionally have shown problems.

Deploying Cognos 8 Business Intelligence

When deploying cognos 8 business intelligence solutions you must ponder a number of issues. First among these are the number of resources and training needed. Resources, because of cognos 8 business intelligence's tendency for a multitude of modules, local applications to instal and handle and the expanse of interfaces a typical cognos 8 business intelligence product entails. This large variations in products and interfaces also means of course longer training times. A cognos 8 business intelligence therefore will invariably need more education and a bigger deployment than newer congas alternatives like EMANIO.

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