Manufacturing companies have lived with the "mandate" of EDI for a long time. While retailers leverage EDI to a high degree for their own financial benefit, the reality for many manufacturers is that EDI often can become a "cost of doing business. With charge backs and other penalties imposed by retailers for mistakes often initiated during the EDI process, it's often difficult for manufactures to truly "benefit" from having to use EDI.
EMANIO Trading Partner helps manufacturing companies move beyond simple mandate compliance by availing them of unmatched speed, accuracy and the automation necessary to move EDI beyond a simple "cost center" that is viewed as a "requirement" of doing business and into the realm of profitability and efficiency. With over 20 years of development and over 2,000 satisfied users around the world, Trading Partner provides the platform manufactures of all sizes can use to finally move beyond "mandates."
Ensure they achieve full compliance with retailer mandates at affordable prices. Leverage true automation capabilities to minimize manual steps and lower the risk for costly charge backs.
Benefit from a platform that comes bundled with one-click support for over 300 trading partners world-wide.
Business users often live in a world of compromise. This is especially true when it comes to the tools the use. In the rare occasion when they can become unbound from the artificial constraints of poorly designed software, users become inspired, productive and profitable. It is this core belief that drives our product development at EMANIO. We strive to build tools that allow users to free themselves from the constraints of poorly designed software to achieve new levels of performance.
Even in a post-recession world the new reality for manufacturing companies is that reducing costs, improving quality and responsiveness will always be mandatory elements of maintaining competitiveness. Leveraging the EDI process is a key strategic requirement that manufactures of all sizes must rely on to move from being a supplier to being a trusted, profitable partner. |