Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, has always been a double edged sword. On the one hand, EDI can provide significant cost savings over manual, paper-based transaction flows. One the other hand, however, implementing and managing an EDI workflow can be time consuming, labor intensive and frustrating. Done incorrectly, an EDI deployment can become a huge cost center for any business.
Integrating EDI transaction flow into and out of your back-end system is not a new concept. Doing it the EMANIO way, however, is. It all begins with Trading Partner - our renowned EDI translation software that comes with over two decades of development and over 2,000 satisfied customers. At the heart of the software is a focus on making EDI a truly "hands free" operation by enabling and maximizing as much automation of your EDI process as possible.
At the heart of Trading Partner Integrator 360 is a task based workflow system that lets you automate as little - or as much EDI process as you want. Create schedules for sending and receiving transactions by partner, by group of partners, by transaction type and virtually any other way that suits your business model. With Trading Partner Integrator 360, automating your EDI workflow is simple, intuitive and foolproof.
Things can go wrong with EDI. No matter how good your software is there are always external factors that can cause problems. Your internet connection might go down, your partner may change their specs without notifying you and a host of other factors out of your control. With TPI 360, however, you can create error-based as well as task-based notifications that will immediately let you know that something went wrong, giving you the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what, EMANIO TPI 360 is on the job.
Of course, for quick turnaround TPI 360 also supports automatic document conversions, letting you quickly generate outbound invoices (for example) out of inbound purchase orders - giving you the flexibility to manage your processes according to the way you do business.
Working with EMANIO TPI 360 also gives you a great deal of control over managing external processes. That's because TPI 360 supports a file-based process. The presence of a file in a pre-determined folder on your server will automatically trigger the process you wish to invoke. With that type of automation you can control just about every aspect of how you manage transactions using your EDI system - all with minimal human intervention.