EDI Company
An EDI company most frequently refers to an EDI VAN, an EDI software vendor, EDI consultants or EDI service bureaus. Each of these forms of an EDI company provides a specific set of services that you may need as you begin to use EDI.
An EDI company known as a Value Added Network (VAN), is an aggregator of transmitters and recipients of EDI. This type of EDI company functions like the US postal service. This EDI company has 'mailboxes' that its customers use to send and receive EDI data. Like the US postal service, this EDI company guarantees delivery of the data and provides a number of services to enhance their operations. Among these some of the more popular ones are analytics of traffic data and the ability to send data to multiple parties without having to maintain dedicated communications infrastructure. This type of EDI company is best viewed as a "hub", concentrating EDI data from customers and vendors.
An EDI company that provides software
This type of EDI company is also referred to as an EDI software vendor. This EDI company is the developer of the EDI software that many businesses purchase. This type of EDI company can provide a wide range of products and services ranging from a simple "software shop" that provides EDI software and no services, to full service companies like EMANIO that can provide support, integration to your back-end system and other professional services designed to make your life with EDI easier and more profitable.
EDI Company Consultants The main service provided by this EDI company is usually professional expertise. This type of EDI company is often staffed by people who have extensive individual experience with EDI and can act as your EDI administrator for a retainer. This type of EDI company focuses on particular vertical segments - either system based (like SAP)s or industry based (like Automotive). When arranging for services from this type of EDI company it's important to thoroughly understand what they can, and just as important, what they CAN'T do for you.
EDI Company and a Service Bureau
This type of EDI company provides outsourcing services and in essence becomes the EDI department for companies that are too small and have very limited EDI requirements. This type of EDI company often relies on a high number of "new" customers since their services can become very expensive as their customers become more and more heavy users of EDI.
How to Select a EDI Company
What kinds of products does the EDI Company provide?
Each EDI Company tailors its products to a specific type of customer. Are the products from the company easy to use? Are they powerful? How expensive are the products from this EDI Company? Can the EDI Company provide several versions depending on your needs?
Does the EDI Company offer training?
Does the EDI company offer training as part of the implementation package? Is training available from the EDI company on an as-needed basis as your needs change? How much do they charge for training?
What level of support does the EDI Company provide?
Support is an important part of doing business with any EDI Company. The EDI Company should have multiple tiers of support available so that you can select the level of support that will meet your needs.
Is the EDI Company financially stable?
How long has the EDI Company been in business? How much experience does the EDI Company have with EDI? Is the EDI Company going to be in business in 2 years? In 5 years?
Can the EDI Company provide an upgrade path?
Another issue to consider is whether the EDI Company you plan to do business with will be able to give you access to more advanced products as you need them. Can their products be upgraded seamlessly?
Is the EDI Company well known to retailers?
How well known is the EDI Company among the retailers you do business with? Do they have a department that works with those retailers? |