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EDI Software with Integration & Reports
EMANIO'S Trading Partner

* Learn and use in 1 day
* Automate all EDI tasks - no manual data entry
* Powerful integration with ERP & accounting systems
* Excellent reports on all EDI tasks and transactions

Stop wasting time and money with EDI and start leveraging your EDI data to make better financial decisions.


EDI Mapping Software

EDI mapping software allows for the automated movement of data received through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to in-house systems (also know as "back-end" systems). Through EDI mapping software companies can dramatically reduce the time required to process EDI transactions. While there are a number of technically feasible means of sending EDI data to back-end systems, EDI mapping software provides the easiest, quickest means of performing this exchange of data while providing the highest throughput for companies adopting the technology. EDI mapping software has been available for years, but new versions are now available geared towards small and mid-sized businesses.

Understanding EDI Mapping Software

When using EDI mapping software, EDI data integration is simplified by enabling easy mapping between data sources and targets like XML files, CSV files, SQL and other data bases and EDI systems. This is accomplished by utilizing the intuitive graphical interface in the EDI mapping software. EDI mapping software is created to ease the pain that has often been experienced in integration environments. When selecting EDI mapping software, you should evaluate more than just the technical capabilities of the software itself. Important consideration should be placed on the level of support you are going to receive, the vendor's experience with EDI as well as to the total cost of the project (vs. the cost of the software alone).

What Makes Good EDI Mapping Software? When selecting EDI mapping software it may be tempting to focus only on one or two particular features. Ease of use or speed will be important features of any EDI mapping software that a potential customer will want to evaluate. EDI mapping software, however, should also provide a means of matching your business processes with your flow of data. If your EDI mapping software is not able to effectively manipulate or filter your data as it's moved, the benefit will be significantly reduced. That's because EDI mapping software may need to perform logical comparisons, string operations or other data manipulations.

Getting the Most From Your EDI Mapping Software

To get the biggest benefit from your investment in EDI mapping software, you should consider having a dedicated resource who is familiar with the software you have selected. Often times this is possible by simply asking the EDI mapping software vendor to be your map development unit. Third party consultants or resellers can also be useful in this process, but care should be taken to ensure that they are truly familiar with the EDI mapping software you have chosen. Neglecting this level of detailed examination will ultimately lead to failure.

Selecting Your EDI Mapping Software

Questions to Ask Before Selecting Your EDI Mapping Software:

Who Within My Organization Will Use the EDI Mapping Software?
Do you have people inside your organization with the relevant skills to use EDI mapping software? if (as is most often the case) the answer is no, you may need to find a vendor of EDI mapping software that can perform the work for you, or that can refer and EDI mapping software consultant to assist you.

What Will We Integrate with EDI Mapping Software?
This may sound obvious but it isn’t. EDI Mapping Software can be used to map one transaction or all of your EDI to your back-end system. The less you need to integrate, the fewer features are needed from your EDI Mapping Software. Can your back-end system support flat files? These kinds of questions will steer you to a specific type of EDI Mapping Software.

Will I Need to Continue to Use My EDI Mapping Software?
Many businesses, once integrated, will not need to make many changes with the EDI Mapping Software. for them, buying EDI Mapping Software may be overkill. EDI Mapping Software employed by a third party to create the integration may make more sense. On the other hand, in-house EDI Mapping Software will come in handy if your business is growing and you anticipate further need for EDI Mapping Software in the future.

How Much am I Willing to Spend on EDI Mapping Software?
For any business, it’s critical to start with an EDI Mapping Software budget. EDI Mapping Software can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Once you have set a few important criteria for your EDI Mapping Software it’s important to set a budget. Your EDI Mapping Software budget should cover more than the cost of the EDI Mapping Software. Make sure you include any additional services that may be needed with your EDI Mapping Software.

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