XML to EDI translation has become an increasingly requested feature of companies specializing in data integration and EDI. The reasons for this are many, but the primary driver is the high use of XML as a language to aid in the process of moving data between systems. The flexibility and ease of development of XML make it an ideal language for moving data between systems that were not mean to communicate with each other. While at first blush an XML to EDI translation might seem confusing and extremely challenging, it does not have to be. With the right tools, the help of the right organization and a little learning, the XML to EDI transformation process can be achieved with a high degree of ease.
Getting Started with XML to EDI
The process of XML to EDI translation is one that typically involves a few steps and a couple of pieces of software. For instance, to perform an XML to EDI translation of what will ultimately become an EDI 850 document you will need a mapping product like EMANIO's Unite! application that supports XML to EDI mapping, as well as an EDI translator like EMANIO's Trading Partner software that can then process the EDI document to your trading partner.
Choosing an XML to EDI Partner For many companies the requirement for XML to EDI mapping is often small and not recurring. For this reason a large number of organizations do not want to have the XML to EDI mapping expertise in-house and prefer to find a third party vendor or consultant who can perform the mapping for them. As a small and even mid-sized business this form of outsourcing for your XML to EDI mapping is a very efficient, very cost-effective way of getting the job done. But what if, as your business grows, you wanted to bring that expertise in house?
That's where working with the right XML to EDI mapping provider can have significant benefits. There are a number of organizations, like EMANIO, that can provide you with both options. Specifically, they can do the XML to EDI mapping for you when your needs are small, and they can subsequently sell you the XML to EDI mapping software along with training needed to implement more complex and more sophisticated XML to EDI maps in the future.
Long Term Considerations of XML to EDI
As your business considers who to partner with for your XML to EDI mapping you should take careful considerations of the long term requirements of your company. Do you foresee increased usage of XML to EDI mapping in the future? If the answer to that question is yes; even if the answer to that question is maybe, you should seriously consider partnering with a company that provide you with an outsourced mapping model to begin with, while having the ability to sell you software and migrate you to an in-house model over time.
At EMANIO we have performed this type of service for companies a number of times and the experience of all the combined works is very useful when encountering new projects. Your needs for XML to EDI translation might never go beyond a simple 850 document; but it's always good to know that the partner you are working with has both the technical expertise and the ability to provide you with the solution you need when you need it. |