The term "EDI Map" is often used to describe two related but rather different concepts. In pure EDI terms and EDI map refers to a document that identifies the specific segments that an individual organization requires as part of its implementation of the EDI specification. This form of an EDI map is also often referred to as an EDI Kit. an EDI map of this type can be built manually by the individual user of the EDI software, or it can be provided pre-built and pre-tested by the company that provides the EDI software. The second use of the term EDI map refers to the process of automatically routing data from the EDI system to and out of the company's ERP or accounting system. This exchange of data between these two systems is performed through the use of the EDI map.
Benefits of a Pre-Built EDI Map
The first type of EDI map - one that provides the detailed EDI settings required by a specific trading partner - is one that is of high interest to many small businesses. Whenever you contemplate the use of EDI you should ask your software vendor if they can provide a pre-built EDI map. The benefits of this can be recognized quickly. Setting up an EDI infrastructure to support a specific trading partner can be a very complicated process. This is because retailers require that each vendor using EDI implement specific segments of the EDI standards according to the retailer's guidelines. This "implementation guide" as its known provides a roadmap for how to set up EDI for the specific retailer requirements. While it may sound simple enough, the process can quickly become overwhelming even for technically knowledgeable people. Companies like EMANIO often can provide an EDI map that has already been developed to a specific retailer or trading partner's implementation guide. EMANIO for example has over 300 EDI maps readily available that can be installed in minutes.
Benefits of an Integration EDI Map The second type of EDI map can also be highly beneficial, but usually only for a business that has become a full user of EDI. An EDI map that provides integration is simply a document that provides a means of sending EDI data from the EDI system to the company's in-house ERP or accounting system. An EDI map has to be built for each type of data that is going from the EDI system to the ERP system and vice versa. This type of map requires specialized software to create and run, and can also be rather complex to create. The benefits of automatically routing EDI data into and out of your ERP system however are incredible - especially for a business that sends and receives a lot of EDI data.
Finding your EDI Map
Regardless of which type of map you are seeking to purchase, you will need to find a company that can help you navigate the many options available. As a first step you should ensure that the EDI company you do business with understands both types of maps and can work with you to help you migrate from a simple implementation to a more complex, fully integrated one as your business grows.
Long Term Success with EDI Map
As your business grows it may become tempting to consider your use of an EDI map "complete." Regardless of which EDI map you are working with, however, there are key steps you should ensure are taken to stay current. With the first type of EDI map you should always stay in communication with your trading partner to make sure that your EDI map does not become obsolete as the trading partner changes requirements. When this happens you should immediately contact your EDI map supplier for help. With an integration EDI map the problem become more one of retained expertise. Regardless of whether the integration EDI map was created in-house or through a third party, you should ensure that you always have access to the type of knowledge necessary to update and modify your integration EDI map as necessary. |