EDI Services
EDI services typically refers to the process of implementing an EDI solution. When deploying EDI the process can be complicated and time consuming. For this reason, EDI services typically require a two-pronged approach; one for technical issues and one for the organizational and cultural ones. While understanding the technical foundations of EDI may take some time, the technical aspect of deploying EDI services is relatively straight forward for most companies. EDI services require a sound infrastructure that includes software, networks and standards support. The technical aspects of EDI services are usually easily handled when the team in place has had experience; for this reason it's important to consider your team's technical expertise before deploying EDI services. Understanding the cultural implications of EDI services however can be more challenging.
An Organizational EDI Services Maze
EDI services, while technically simple to deploy, can create an upheaval in how an organization operates and relates to external businesses. The depth of changes that efficient use of technology demands makes EDI services difficult. Because EDI changes how a company exchanges and moves data - both inside and outside the organization - EDI services can create problems in translating existing manual processes into equivalent processes that are part of the EDI services. The type of data exchanged using EDI requires tight coordination between purchasing, accounting, logistics, information technology and auditing personnel. This interaction of multiple departments and people is at the core of EDI services and the core complexity that must be planned for when implementing a transition from manual systems to EDI.
Getting Help with EDI Services The challenge of transforming manual processes into EDI processes is the core business of EDI services. Without EDI services the vast majority of organizations would not have enough time or expertise to complete their EDI projects. Using third party EDI services picks up where the internal corporate competence leaves off and ensures that EDI communication functions well regardless of industry, company size or vertical focus.
Selecting your EDI Services Vendor
If you are considering using an external provider of EDI services, you should insist on references. Often times your EDI software vendor can recommend a provider of EDI services that will suit your needs. The reason for this is simple, vendors of EDI services often focus on specific industries and specific aspects of EDI services. Your software vendor most likely has dealt with these vendors in multiple situations and with a wide array of customers and industries. With this breadth of experience, your software vendor can recommend an EDI services provider that will best suit your situation and your individual needs.
Do your Homework EDI Services
When selecting EDI software for a small or mid-sized business it is important to identify as early as feasible the EDI services that will be required. The EDI services provided and level of EDI services available is critical in selecting your vendor. Do the EDI services available cover all aspects of the EDI implementation you are planning? Are the costs of EDI services clearly stated? What is the breadth and completeness of the EDI services offered by the vendor? Having answers to these questions will allow the business to select the vendor with EDI services that are most appropriate to the individual situation.
Should you Go at it Alone?
There is an adage in the legal system that a client representing himself has a fool for a lawyer. This is even truer in the world of EDI. While cost control might be a tempting reason to try and manage EDI services on your own, you should avoid it at all cost. The reason is simple, EDI vendors have years of experience at providing EDI services to businesses of varying sizes and complexity. Your EDI vendor has been through the trials, mistakes and repetition necessary to become masters at EDI services; the assistance and leadership they can provide will save you thousands of dollars and could mean the difference between success and failure.
Next Steps
As you begin to select a provider of EDI services consider these questions in addition to our earlier list: How much experience does the EDI services provider have? Has this vendor provided EDI services for companies in your industry before? For companies of your size? How much will the EDI services cost in relation to the software you are purchasing? Can the vendor provide EDI services focused on implementation as well as EDI services focused on maintenance and updates? These are just some of the questions you will need to ask to ensure that the EDI services available to you will help you through the life of the product. Many software vendors provide EDI services; but having EDI services and providing the RIGHT EDI services can make a world of difference. |