EDI Training
Whether you are a beginning user of EDI or an advanced one, EDI training is going to be a critical aspect of managing EDI. Our EDI training program is available in a ‘self-help’ mode on our customer portal at http://www.emanio-customer-care.com free of charge. Our EDI training services focus on best practices and are designed to help you get the most from your use of EDI. As you begin the process of selecting your EDI vendor consider what types of EDI training are available and at what cost.
Why Use EDI Training?
EDI Training can take several forms and a broad range of topics. Generally speaking, you will want EDI training that is focused on the software product you have selected. The benefits of EDI Training, whether free or fee-based, will be increased productivity and the ability to get the most benefit from your software. EDI Training can also give you a significant insight into how best to use EDI for your organization’s benefit. A thorough EDI training course should cover all aspects of EDI from basic set-up to advanced tutorials designed to help you get the most from your software. When selecting your provider it’s important to find out what kind of EDI training is available and how in-depth the free EDI training is vs. fee-based.
What EDI Training Should you Pay For? Although at EMANIO we strongly believe in free-of-charge, self-service EDI training, we also offer fee-based EDI training. Our activity-based learning makes EDI training a challenging and entertaining experience that will increase retention of EDI training for your employees. Our EDI training courses are led by experienced professionals with both practical and theoretical knowledge of EDI in a variety of industries and deployment scenarios. Our EDI training focuses on giving you knowledge to get maximum benefit from your software and EDI training investment. As you begin planning your EDI Training session there are important factors to consider:
EDI Training Requires 100% of Your Time.
The first requirement for any EDI training course is that you must commit your time. This is the most critical, and often most overlooked step of EDI training. This is especially true of on-demand EDI training where you must commit to complete the course with 100% attention.
EDI Training Should Take Several Stages.
A second vital aspect of selecting EDI training is that it should come in stages. EDI can be a complex process and requires you to learn fundamental early steps that will be the cornerstone of the rest of your EDI training. If the EDI training gives you too much too soon you may be overwhelmed, loosing all benefits from the process.
EDI Training Should Provide Hands-on Examples.
Also important in EDI training is the concept of “hands-on” training. In any EDI training process you should be using the software along with the instructors replicating their steps on your own system.
EDI Training Should be Flexible.
This aspect of EDI training addresses both the availability of content and the types of delivery methods. With today’s busy schedules it’s important to ensure that your EDI training can be adapted to your changing schedule and location – whether it’s in a class or an on-demand form.
EDI Training Should Make You Productive.
The most important aspect of EDI training is the most obvious. Any EDI training you participate in should ultimately make you more productive and more knowledgeable about EDI and your software.
Is Your Vendor Ready for Your EDI Training?
When planning your purchase of EDI software and services, it is critical to understand what kind of EDI training will be made available to you. Many vendors provide fee-based EDI training exclusively, or provide on-demand EDI training under special circumstances or for special customers. If your vendor does not provide on-demand EDI training, consider all associated costs – how much will you need to spend on travel? Will you be able to make the time available? Whenever possible you should try to attend EDI training on a remote basis. At EMANIO we not only provide EDI training on an “on demand” basis, we also provide remote-based individualized EDI training where the user can participate using their own PC and a browser – making the entire EDI training experience easier and significantly less expensive.
Other Resources for EDI Training
Beyond your own vendor there are a number of resources on the internet where you can learn about EDI and gain additional EDI training. Many of these are free and can be easily found by simply searching for EDI training material. As you start the process of evaluating software vendors and resources attend some of their free EDI training sessions to evaluate their skills and their software.
EDI Training for Your Future
As you complete the process of initial EDI training, remember that your EDI training experience should not be limited to the initial experience. Keeping up to date through EDI training is an excellent way to learn how to use your software at its best. This advanced form of EDI training will let you become more efficient and profitable. |